Our services

Market Research
graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen
graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen

Identifying target audiences and understanding their preferences, enabling startups to tailor their products and marketing strategies effectively

aerial view of people walking on cross pedestrian lane
aerial view of people walking on cross pedestrian lane
shallow focus photograph of black and gray compass
shallow focus photograph of black and gray compass
Go To Market

Develop strategic partnerships with complementary businesses to leverage resources and expand reach.

Assess real financing needs and adapted sources, build a clear finacing roadmap


Market Research

red and black heart illustration
red and black heart illustration

data on industry trends, ensuring that startups remain relevant and proactive in a rapidly changing landscape.


assessing potential risks and challenges, market research equips startups with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions.


comprehensive market analysis to uncover gaps in the market, presenting opportunities for innovation and differentiation from competitors.

Go To Market

people walking on grey concrete floor during daytime
people walking on grey concrete floor during daytime

Create a strong value proposition and refine the product-market fit based on real-world feedback.


Invest in sales efforts and customer relationship management to drive revenue growth and retention.


Define clear goals and target markets, focusing on understanding customer needs and pain points.


Investment Network Access

Connect with business angels and venture capital firms to elevate your startup's funding opportunities.

Investment Scrabble text
Investment Scrabble text
Tailored Financing Strategies

We provide customized approaches to help startups navigate the complex landscape of funding and investment.

pen, notebook, and smartphone on table
pen, notebook, and smartphone on table

Contact SKRL Consulting

Get in touch and submit your pitch to explore financing options and investment opportunities for your startup through our extensive network.

